About Us
The Kangal Dog Club of America is the national parent club for the UKC and the only club in North America dedicated to this marvelous breed.

Within our site you can find answers to the following questions:
Do you want to learn more about our breed's characteristics, history, health, and livestock guarding abilities? See the Breed History & Standard.
Are you looking for a breeder, possibilities for rescue, or do you want to meet other dogs and their owners? Check out our Breeders.
Do you own a registered Kangal Dog already? We invite you to join us and learn more about our breed's spirit and working abilities by checking out our new Blog and Reading Room.
Do you have an unregistered Kangal dog? Are you thinking of importing a Kangal? The KDCA is committed to maintaining an open registry for qualified dogs and promoting diversity and health and mental soundness in our breed. Please feel free to contact us for more information, and also, check out our page on Importation and Registration.

Mailing Address:
Kangal Dog Club of America
c/o Lisa Ingram
1121 Stone Ridge Rd.
Harpers Ferry, WV 25425